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March 2023: National Nutrition Month

National Nutrition Month was launched as an awareness campaign in 1973, driven by the Academy of Nutrition & Diuretics. It began as an effort to engage the public in conscious decision-making about healthy physical and eating habits. The theme they’ve set for this year is “Fuel for the Future.” This refers to preparing meals & eating with environmental sustainability and physical longevity in mind. The Academy of Nutrition & Diuretics has outlined specific topics of focus for each week that can guide you in determining the best way for you to fuel your
future! The topics for the 5 weeks spanning March 2023 are respectively: Eat With the The environment in Mind, See a Registered Dietician Nutritionist (RDN), Stay Nourished & Save Money, Eat a Variety of Foods from All Food Groups, and Make Tasty Foods at Home.

As it’s the 50th Anniversary of National Nutritional Month, the Academy of Nutrition & Diuretics has released 50 ways to celebrate, which can be found on their website. For more information on ways you can participate in leading a healthier, more sustainable life feel free to utilize these health tips from the academy!
Eating Right for Older Adults
Fuel for the Future Tips
20 Health Tips